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Brain Hemorrhage


Brain hemorrhage treatment services

It is a critical brain condition in which blood vesselsin the brain rupture, and the contents blood flow out into the adjacent areas andtissues; causing the blood to coagulate and start cellular de-generation. Hypertensionmay be a pre-condition that causes amplified pressure inside the blood arteryand over time wanes the blood vessel. A weakened vessel can result in ananeurysm making the inner wall of the blood vessel rupture. In case thishappens in or around brain cells, brain hemorrhage occurs. Brain injury treatment depends on the type andextent of the hematoma. Immediately after the injury has been sustained, theforemost tasks are to stabilize the head and the neck, check all the airwaysand clear and administer CPR if necessary. During brain injury treatment, our neurologist in Jaipur(Dr.S.S Ratnawat) takes intensive care of the patients.

What do we Intend to Do

The first step is to dissolve the clots and restore normal blood supply. Several observations are made to determine the severity. These include breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, level of oxygen in the blood, size of the pupils, temperature, and the degree of movement and control of the limbs, level of consciousness and verbal response (GCS glasgow coma scale)

In case of Severity:

If the damage is severe, several different brain injury treatment options are available. If a hemorrhage is noted in the brain or a blood clot or hematoma forms on the wall of the brain and creates pressure upon it, emergency surgery is necessary. These problems are identified with the help of a CT scan. In certain cases, further neuro intervention may be required
We provide all when it comes to providing treatmen tservices. 

Our best Neurosurgeon In Jaipur(Dr. S.S Ratnawat) is not only experienced but also specialized in this domain and can guide you through counseling to the treatment and also what measures one should take for their post-operative period.
Connect with the best neurosurgeon doctor in Jaipur(Dr. S.S Ratnawat)
