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Blastocyst Culture


Blastocyst Culture

Today, childless couples have access to the most modern medical facilities to address their infertility and become proud parents. IVF has provided hope for many couples who find it difficult to conceive naturally. But, some couples face multiple failed IVF due to different underlying problems. In such cases, the infertility specialist in Jaipur (Dr. Alka Ratnawat) can suggest Blastocyst culture to increase the IVF success rates.

Blastocyst Culture Process:

It is the treatment for couples with a history of failed IVF when the doctors transfer the embryo on the second or third day. The blastocyst is the term indicating the human embryo on the fifth or sixth day after the fertilization. It is the stage of embryo development suggested by the IVF specialists before implanting it in the uterus. The blastocyst structure remains complex compared to the earlier stages of the embryo. It is because the cells have increased and organized to ensure it implants in the uterine lining and promotes foetus growth.

Better Results:

Our IVF specialist team suggest Blastocyst culture to couples undergoing IVF treatment for better results. Blastocyst can also help prevent multiple pregnancies. This culture can help with the transfer of the best embryo into the uterus. It may increase the pregnancy rates because the embryos with the best development capacity can only become blastocysts. It optimizes the chances of better embryo growth in the laboratory until it reaches the blastocysts stage. Our embryologist selects the most competent embryo or embryos for uterine transfer.

The IVF specialists with access to the latest laboratory facilities can complete blastocyst culture to ensure better success rates. The infertility hospital in Jaipur has arrangements that may optimize the success rates of blastocyst culture. It will prove beneficial for couples with infertility problems. When you access the fertility hospital in Jaipur, the team of infertility specialists can diagnose the problem and suggest customized treatment for improved chances of becoming parents.
